Sunday, June 29, 2014

Midnight Stroll (at 6pm)

I walked the mile ‘n a half home last night from the shopping center, by myself. I know, probably not the best idea…I’m sure my mom will give me an earful when she reads this. But I am sick of paying for taxis, and without Internet access on my phone at home it’s kinda hard to figure out the bus routes to use on the reg. And I would’ve ridden my bike, but it has a flat at the moment and I haven’t had a chance to get it aired up (I’ve asked the mechanic at the gas station on the corner too many times to help me out (and he does it for free) so I’m trying to wait…but the next closest station with air is about half a mile…soooo yeah).

Anyways, on the way home I had to walk past a cemetery. Talk about creepy. I felt like I was on an episode of Pretty Little Liars, having to constantly check behind me. There were these weird lights on some of the gravesites, which must’ve been set on a timer so they would go on and off randomly, and I would catch one turn on in the corner of my eye and it would give me that feeling that someone was out there. Then there were the couple of times that I caught my own shadow following me and thought it was someone else coming up on me…ha. I’m bad about being paranoid.

Here’s a little back-story on me: one of my biggest fears is to be taken. I always laugh it off, but it’s a legitimate fear. One of the main reasons I wanted to get LASIK eye surgery was in case anything ever happened to me. Up until about two years ago, I literally couldn’t see five fingers in front of my face without contacts or glasses on. What if I were to get kidnapped while I was sleeping, when I didn’t have either of those!? I wouldn’t be able to tell anyone where I was (if I had the chance), because I wouldn’t be able to see any sort of landmark because everything would just be one big blur! The other reason I got Lasik was because contacts were never comfortable, and I wanted to enjoy my days without feeling like there was dirt in my eye all the time…long story short, LASIK was the best thing ever!

So now back to my story about walking home alone; I’ve watched enough scary movies that I was fully prepared to be abducted…I had my iPhone in one hand, and my international phone stuck inside my waistband under my sweatshirt. If you’ve seen the movie The Call, with Halle Berry, you’d know that the girl who gets kidnapped and put in the trunk of a car had her phone, which got broken and left in the parking lot at the time she was taken but then also had her friend’s phone in her back pocket. So yeah, that scene was playing through my head throughout this walk.

Fortunately I made it home and didn’t have to put to use any of my “very particular set of skills” (said in the voice of Liam Neeson) that I’ve acquired from all the scary movies I’ve watched over the years. Regardless, I probably won’t be walking home alone in the dark anymore :)

"The Lord is my light and salvation - whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life - of whom shall I be afraid?" - Psalm 27:1

XO – Cristin

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