Tuesday, July 1, 2014

I'm Turning Into My Mother

Living in a house with boys who work from 5am – 3:30pm can be tough. Now that I’m working, we usually see each other for an hour or two after they get home from work before I head in to work. But since I’m home most the time during the day, I do all the cleaning and laundry. I honestly don’t know what the boys did before I got here…I really don’t mind doing it all, I mean, I feel like it’s the least I could do. Other than not being the best cook, I would honestly make a great housewife. BUT, after six weeks of cleaning up after the boys, I start to notice some things…like, maybe my mom was on to something all those years she was nagging my brother, sisters, and I about cleaning up?

She’s right:
  1.  It’s really not that hard to put dirty dishes in the dishwasher after using them. It’s two steps away…open, close. Easy enough.
  2. It’s also not that hard to put trash in the trashcan (right under the sink after you open something). Why do we need to leave it on the counter?
  3.  Do we really need to use every single cup and piece of silverware in a single day? Clean it out/off, write your name on it, or put it somewhere to use again. The dishwasher shouldn’t have to be run every day.
  4.  If it’s empty, throw it away. Don’t put it back in the fridge or cupboard…
  5.  If you spill something on the counter, wipe it up. I don’t want to look at that ring of coffee, or stick my hand in whatever that sticky stuff is!
  6. Water bottles laying around with dip/spit in them (especially when it’s visible) are disgusting.
  7. Can we put our clean clothes up in our rooms after they’re laid out and folded? I know we have a designated laundry table, but the house really looks nicer/cleaner when it’s cleared.
  8. A made bed looks a whole lot nicer than an unmade one, and it takes one minute to do it (I will admit, I still don’t make my bed every day…but I notice it still).
  9.  Clean your room. At least once a week.
  10. Don’t leave your trimmed hair in the sink. I don’t want to look at that.
  11. Nothing is hidden, and no I didn’t hide it. If you ask me where something is, I bet I can tell you.
  12. Let’s not leave our shoes in the middle of the floor for somebody to trip over.
  13.  Turn the lights off (this one’s from my dad’s nagging). It’s daytime, open the curtains and use the natural light…so much better.
  14. And to end on a positive note, mowing the lawn is a breath of fresh air, especially on a warm day with a cold beer in hand. 
**A few additions that were an afterthought, but I felt needed to be added:
  1. There is a proper way to load the dishwasher that's only two steps away.
  2. There's no need to do a load of laundry when it's only 1/4 full.
  3. If you use the last of the toilet paper, replace the roll.

I’m seeing more and more of my mother in me everyday. And I don’t hate it :)

XO - Cristin


  1. #11 cracks me up!! Haha...I remember this convo very well.

  2. Your mom is definitely an alright person to be like!!
