Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Ten Things I Hate About...Not Being Home.

So I have the DVR set to record the movie Ten Things I Hate About You tonight at 9:30pm because, in our household, we go to bed around 9:30 or 10 on most nights. I love Heath Ledger movies, and it's been a long time since I've seen this one. Plus, seeing as we have all the DVDs from America that don't work in our Australian DVD player, I record all the movies I can, in order to watch later :) The title for this list was inspired by thinking about watching that movie later tonight (or tomorrow, more likely).

In no particular order, except from the thing I miss least to the thing I miss are the things I miss about being home. And by home I mean both Amarillo and Conway. Although Amarillo is my forever home, Conway is home too; I mean, I did spend my entire adult life (18-24) living there on my own (until I up and moved to Australia recently). Without further adieu: 

10. An endless closet - I'm starting to realize that I overpacked for this trip to Australia; I easily could have done with only one fifty-pound suitcase instead of two...but, there are still days when I miss having the option of "this plain white shirt over that plain white shirt" or "these black wedges over those black stilettos." I shop on Pinterest now instead of shopping in real life...because if I add one more thing to either of my suitcases, I'll be paying the overweight fee on the flight back home. Lord help me.

9. Netflix/Hulu - They don't have Netflix OR Hulu in these parts! Can you believe that!? I have to wait an entire week to watch episodes of's awful.

8. Wifi - I've enjoyed living more of a simple life, free of constant Facebook/Twitter/Instagram updates. I really think I am a much happier and observant person now, because my nose isn't constantly stuck in my phone. But, I will say, it sucks sometimes not having easy access. It was especially bad the first couple of weeks in Australia when I was job searching. I couldn't just take my laptop outside and bask in the sun while surfing the net. I had to wake up early to walk to the shopping center, and basically spend ALL DAY in a little corner of the cafe near Target so I could use the free wifi. And now it sucks because, say, if I want to check the weather app for the weeks forecast, I'm waiting on an important email, or needing to send a quick email, I have to walk the mile 'n a half to Target to use the internet for the smallest thing! I don't necessarily want to twenty-five minutes for something that will only take five seconds. And I don't like having to walk up to Target to talk to people back home either.

7. Normal time - I'm fifteen hours ahead of my family and friends here in Australia. That means, for the most part, there's a very short window of time for me to talk or text anyone. They're usually asleep when I'm awake, and vice versa. OR I'm not on wifi at a time convenient for both of us (see #8).

6. My art supplies - When I was home I had everything I needed: paint in every color, paintbrushes, rulers, scrap pieces of wood, extra canvases. You name it, I probably had it. I hardly ever needed to go to Hobby Lobby for supplies; I could start a project on a whim and spend very little money. Now if I want to be crafty, I have to buy all new materials...hellllooo, I'm trying to save money, which means art and painting is put on hold (because supplies are wayyy expensive here). And that sucks.

5. My car -  When I can, I walk or ride my bike. I don't mind walking and riding my bike; I'm happy to get the extra exercise of walking/riding those three miles to and from the shopping center or work everyday...because sometimes that's the only exercise I get. But when the bike tire pops and the nearest shop to fix it is seven miles from the house, do you think I'm going to WALK THE BIKE that far? Mmm, no. So the bikes out of the picture for now and I walk everywhere, because I hate feeling like a nuisance, and having to ask the boys for rides. I'd rather not fix the bike than ask for a ride. I already ask the boys too often for a ride because it get's dark at about five o'clock, and most days I don't work 'til six. And I'm not about to dish out the money I'm trying to save for a taxi. Life is just so much easier when you can hop in your car and go by yourself.

4. My sister's dog Stoney - I grew attached to this puppy on our eight hour car ride from the pound in Conway to home in Amarillo. I spent days trying to convince my sister Caitlin that she needed this dog; finally she caved and thought so too. I actually told the pound that I wanted the dog before my sister officially said yes...ha. What can I say? I had a good feeling about it. Stoney was perfect; the perfect size, the perfect color, and she was a calm puppy compared to her sister, who was in the cage with her when I first spotted her. She was everything my sister was looking for :)

The day I picked Stoney up from the pound was the same day I moved everything home from my apartment in Arkansas. I actually postponed my move a couple of days so that I could continue trying to convince my sister she needed this dog, and then pick her up on the first day she was available. My car was packed full - top to bottom; I could only see out of the driver side and passenger side windows...there wasn't room for anything (literally not a single thing) except for Stoney in the passenger seat. She only fit there because that's where I had to put the laundry basket (which I had made into a nice little dog bed). Within the first hour of the car ride she had thrown up in the laundry basket (because she was sick from getting spayed earlier that morning). I pulled ticks off of her left and right. She never barked, and never tried to get out of the laundry basket. We bonded on that road trip . She's the sweetest little dog. And I miss her. Of course I miss Daphne and Casey; that goes without saying. And I guess I miss Butch, too...

3. My "free" gym membership at UCA, with my very own "personal trainers" - This is the routine I miss the most. Stiner and Footio are the the best strength and conditioning coaches, hands down. And I don't just say that because I'm partial (for obvious reasons) to UCA and their athletic programs.

After I became a retired athlete, these guys still let me come around and workout in the weight room...eventually I started doing their workouts with them. I basically invited myself :) Generally the plan was to start at 10am. Did we ever start at 10am? Never. We were always waiting on somebody (TJ or Mike), drinking/waiting for the pre-workout to kick in, or we were just sitting in the office talking. We never actually got started until around 10:45 or 11, sometimes later. But I didn't mind, because I got to know a completely new and different side to them, rather than just the "Strength and Conditioning Coach" title they held. I liked talking about nothing, and everything. They became mentors, and friends.

I learned a lot...about exercise, technique, nutrition. And as hard and miserable as some of these workouts were, (it was Stiner's goal to either make us throw up, or not be able to walk/raise our hands the next day), they found a way to make them enjoyable, and fun, all while pushing me to get a little bit better, and a little bit stronger.

2. My friends - I wouldn't quite say that I've ever taken my friends for granted, but when you're not within walking or driving distance anymore, you start to realize how much they really mean to you. I miss the daily knocks on my apartment door from Lindsey and Teagan. I miss the (mostly) daily workouts with Kelvon. I miss going to New Life Church with Courtney. I miss talking about boys and the future with Jessie.

Today I really started thinking about how much I miss my best friends from high school, too. We used to always see each other a couple times a year when we would all come back home to Amarillo for Christmas or summer; but now everyone's graduated, grown up, and have real jobs that don't always allow them to come home for the holiday/summer. Our large, and very funny, group text has slowly faded away; and I miss that. I need to do a better job of staying in touch.

1. My family - Even though I wasn't living in Amarillo most of the last six years, because I was away at college, I miss seeing and talking to my family. Being six hundred miles away is so much different than being eight thousand miles away. I can't just hop in the car and go home. And it's hard not being able to call/text them whenever I want. We have one big family/group message that we all text daily through to see what's up, but now I have to rely on Facebook, FaceTime, or iMessage (all which requires wifi) for communication. And I can't be in the family group message because my sister Caitlin and brother Charlie don't have iMessage on their phone...I'm suffering from FOMO (fear of missing out).

Even though this is a list compiled of things I hate about not being home, I really am enjoying my time here in Australia. There are just quite a few things I took for granted while living in the states. 

XO - Cristin

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