Tuesday, June 3, 2014

When It Rains, It Pours!

The thing about having a bike, rather than a car, is that if you're out 'n about trying to hand out resumes for jobs and it starts raining, you're kinda S.O.L. Especially when it's not like you're just around the corner, but rather 2+ miles away from the house! 

And lemme tell ya, it didn't just start raining...it started DOWN POURING! Here I am trying to look all business professional on my bike (I think that in itself could be an oxymoron) in a dress and makeup...not my ideal scenario to say the least.

And I didn't even get to hand out a single CV! I was returning a movie to Blockbuster for the boys (because they forget about those all the time), and then I was going to head across the street to the country club to see if they were hiring. But instead it started pouring, and I figured it's probably not the best first impression to ask for a job when your hair is wet and your mascara is running...so I raced home instead.

I'm not generally one who likes the rain, like at all. It just ruins everything. But I got home, was already soaked, and I thought, "you know what, I'm gonna quit complaining and embrace it." So I played in the rain. By myself. For about thirty minutes. 

And yes, I took selfies to document it. Which I still find weird, and am halfway laughing at myself for doing so. 

"Let my teaching fall like rain, and my words descend like dew, like showers on new grass, like abundant rain on tender plants." - Deuteronomy 32:2

XO - Cristin