Sunday, June 29, 2014

Two Days Are All I Need

Last week I asked my boss for two days off: the 4th and 5th of July. The boys had been talking about hosting a 4th of July party for our Australian friends and their teammates on the 5th (which would be the 4th in America), so I should get that Saturday off because it’s going to be an all day event. So, as soon as I knew we’d for sure be having the party I asked off. I also asked off for the 4th because it would be Taylor’s family’s last day in Australia, too. Over two weeks notice would be ample time to find a replacement/schedule someone else to work for me.

Nick likes his employees to show up for work at least twenty minutes early. Well, I’m one of those people who gets there even earlier than early; that’s just how I am. And for the past three weeks that I’ve worked at The Golden Ox I’ve been there anywhere from thirty to forty minutes early. Not to brag on myself, but I’m a good employee…I don’t complain (except to the boys at home) about all the ridiculous things I’m asked/expected to do at work; I just smile and suck it up. And lemme tell ya, I’ve been working HARD for the past two weeks. I put in forty-four hours in my first four days, and a total of ninety-one hours in my first eleven days. All I wanted was two days off.

So I walk into work forty-five minutes early last week, put my stuff away, and then go ask Nick for the two days off. He tells me that it wasn’t a good time to ask, he probably couldn’t give me both days off, and to wait until after my shift was over to bring it up again. Okay, whatever, I could wait. I had also brought in an inquiry from the boys’ boss for a reservation of thirty people on August 5th. When we have an inquiry we put it in the reservation book to be followed up, so I went to the front to write it in the book when the phone rang. I continued writing and didn’t answer the phone because Leigh was right there next to me to pick it up. No big deal I thought…well, Nick must’ve thought it was a big deal. He said, “Cristin, you need to answer that. Do you want those two days off?” Ok, 1. I don’t like answering phones here because it’s still hard for me to understand some people’s accent when they talk, and I hate constantly asking for them to repeat what they just said, and 2. There was someone right there to pick it up, I didn’t even have a chance to reach for it.

After I finished writing about the inquiry, Nick calls me over and mentions again that I probably won’t get both days off, but, if I could only have one, which would I rather have? I told him Saturday, for the 4th of July party on the 5th. It’s going to be an all day event.

Well, I got my work schedule for this upcoming week yesterday. Guess which day(s) I got off!? Wednesday and Thursday. NEITHER of the two days I asked for. Cool. Looks like I’ll be planning for the party and celebrating alone, on Thursday. Yeah, I’m not really a happy camper right now…but am I going to complain, or ask to switch my days off? No. I’m gonna suck it up, because I am lucky to have a job. I’ll just vent to the boys instead. I told Ethan a few weeks ago how much I hate complainers. But look at me now, Nick is turning me into one…it’s terrible.  

So this is how I'm feeling...trying to relax with a homemade spa day, while I sew the beanbags for our game of Cornhole (which turns out I won't be playing much of now). 

XO – Cristin

1 comment:

  1. Can you find someone on your own to cover your shift, or do you have to go through Nick to do that? Seems like you should be able to find someone to switch shifts with you so you can take that Saturday! UGH. What a bummer. :(
