Sunday, June 29, 2014

Midnight Stroll (at 6pm)

I walked the mile ‘n a half home last night from the shopping center, by myself. I know, probably not the best idea…I’m sure my mom will give me an earful when she reads this. But I am sick of paying for taxis, and without Internet access on my phone at home it’s kinda hard to figure out the bus routes to use on the reg. And I would’ve ridden my bike, but it has a flat at the moment and I haven’t had a chance to get it aired up (I’ve asked the mechanic at the gas station on the corner too many times to help me out (and he does it for free) so I’m trying to wait…but the next closest station with air is about half a mile…soooo yeah).

Anyways, on the way home I had to walk past a cemetery. Talk about creepy. I felt like I was on an episode of Pretty Little Liars, having to constantly check behind me. There were these weird lights on some of the gravesites, which must’ve been set on a timer so they would go on and off randomly, and I would catch one turn on in the corner of my eye and it would give me that feeling that someone was out there. Then there were the couple of times that I caught my own shadow following me and thought it was someone else coming up on me…ha. I’m bad about being paranoid.

Here’s a little back-story on me: one of my biggest fears is to be taken. I always laugh it off, but it’s a legitimate fear. One of the main reasons I wanted to get LASIK eye surgery was in case anything ever happened to me. Up until about two years ago, I literally couldn’t see five fingers in front of my face without contacts or glasses on. What if I were to get kidnapped while I was sleeping, when I didn’t have either of those!? I wouldn’t be able to tell anyone where I was (if I had the chance), because I wouldn’t be able to see any sort of landmark because everything would just be one big blur! The other reason I got Lasik was because contacts were never comfortable, and I wanted to enjoy my days without feeling like there was dirt in my eye all the time…long story short, LASIK was the best thing ever!

So now back to my story about walking home alone; I’ve watched enough scary movies that I was fully prepared to be abducted…I had my iPhone in one hand, and my international phone stuck inside my waistband under my sweatshirt. If you’ve seen the movie The Call, with Halle Berry, you’d know that the girl who gets kidnapped and put in the trunk of a car had her phone, which got broken and left in the parking lot at the time she was taken but then also had her friend’s phone in her back pocket. So yeah, that scene was playing through my head throughout this walk.

Fortunately I made it home and didn’t have to put to use any of my “very particular set of skills” (said in the voice of Liam Neeson) that I’ve acquired from all the scary movies I’ve watched over the years. Regardless, I probably won’t be walking home alone in the dark anymore :)

"The Lord is my light and salvation - whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life - of whom shall I be afraid?" - Psalm 27:1

XO – Cristin

Two Days Are All I Need

Last week I asked my boss for two days off: the 4th and 5th of July. The boys had been talking about hosting a 4th of July party for our Australian friends and their teammates on the 5th (which would be the 4th in America), so I should get that Saturday off because it’s going to be an all day event. So, as soon as I knew we’d for sure be having the party I asked off. I also asked off for the 4th because it would be Taylor’s family’s last day in Australia, too. Over two weeks notice would be ample time to find a replacement/schedule someone else to work for me.

Nick likes his employees to show up for work at least twenty minutes early. Well, I’m one of those people who gets there even earlier than early; that’s just how I am. And for the past three weeks that I’ve worked at The Golden Ox I’ve been there anywhere from thirty to forty minutes early. Not to brag on myself, but I’m a good employee…I don’t complain (except to the boys at home) about all the ridiculous things I’m asked/expected to do at work; I just smile and suck it up. And lemme tell ya, I’ve been working HARD for the past two weeks. I put in forty-four hours in my first four days, and a total of ninety-one hours in my first eleven days. All I wanted was two days off.

So I walk into work forty-five minutes early last week, put my stuff away, and then go ask Nick for the two days off. He tells me that it wasn’t a good time to ask, he probably couldn’t give me both days off, and to wait until after my shift was over to bring it up again. Okay, whatever, I could wait. I had also brought in an inquiry from the boys’ boss for a reservation of thirty people on August 5th. When we have an inquiry we put it in the reservation book to be followed up, so I went to the front to write it in the book when the phone rang. I continued writing and didn’t answer the phone because Leigh was right there next to me to pick it up. No big deal I thought…well, Nick must’ve thought it was a big deal. He said, “Cristin, you need to answer that. Do you want those two days off?” Ok, 1. I don’t like answering phones here because it’s still hard for me to understand some people’s accent when they talk, and I hate constantly asking for them to repeat what they just said, and 2. There was someone right there to pick it up, I didn’t even have a chance to reach for it.

After I finished writing about the inquiry, Nick calls me over and mentions again that I probably won’t get both days off, but, if I could only have one, which would I rather have? I told him Saturday, for the 4th of July party on the 5th. It’s going to be an all day event.

Well, I got my work schedule for this upcoming week yesterday. Guess which day(s) I got off!? Wednesday and Thursday. NEITHER of the two days I asked for. Cool. Looks like I’ll be planning for the party and celebrating alone, on Thursday. Yeah, I’m not really a happy camper right now…but am I going to complain, or ask to switch my days off? No. I’m gonna suck it up, because I am lucky to have a job. I’ll just vent to the boys instead. I told Ethan a few weeks ago how much I hate complainers. But look at me now, Nick is turning me into one…it’s terrible.  

So this is how I'm feeling...trying to relax with a homemade spa day, while I sew the beanbags for our game of Cornhole (which turns out I won't be playing much of now). 

XO – Cristin

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Because We're American.

Ethan, Taylor, and I woke up at 2am this morning. You know why? Because we’re American! and the United States was playing Germany in the World Cup. If we were back in America, the soccer game would’ve been easy to watch; it would’ve been starting at 11am on Thursday morning. But here in Australia, we’re in a different time zone…15 HOURS AHEAD…so the live showing of the game started at 2am. 2AM! And the boys had to leave for work at 4:45am...yuck. That's dedication.

We have TiVo, but watching a replay of the game isn’t good enough, especially for my soccer loving roommates. And they didn’t want to risk going to work and having one of their coworkers, or Facebook/Twitter, ruin the outcome for them. So we decided to have a sleepover in the living room: me on the couch, Ethan on the floor, and Taylor on the fold-out twin bed we just got for his family coming in town tomorrow. 

Our alarm was set for 1:55am. I swear I blinked and it was already time to wake does that happen? It was so dark in the living room, and the TV was so bright, too. I think I watched the entire game squinting with one eye open and the other closed. Both eyes only came open when I would hear Ethan or Taylor scream at the TV because something good or bad happened, and then I really focused on the replay! Ha. 

It's too bad the US lost. I really thought we were going to tie there in the last thirty seconds, just like Portugal did to us in the game before. But hey, we're still going to the Round of 16. GO USA!!

Speaking of being American...the 4th of July is coming up soon. And we've decided to host a VERY AMERICAN party on the 5th for all our Australian friends. We want to give them even more of a  taste of our American pride. We're having it on the 5th because, like I said, we're a day ahead here. So when it's the 5th here, it'll be the 4th in the states. And we wouldn't want to celebrate America's independence before everyone else gets to celebrate it! 

Of course we're going to go all out for this party. Australians deserve to feel American for at least one day, right? My sister sent me this link about American themed parties around the world: 

Enjoy. And stay tuned for how ours turns out! Oh, and if there are any suggestions about how we should decorate, or activities we should do, or food we should eat, feel free to share :)

XO - Cristin

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Howdy, Y'all.

Being in Australia and having an accent is one of the best things ever. I wouldn't exactly say that I'm the most outgoing person in the world. I can't start a conversation with a stranger and talk for hours on end like my dad and brother can. But here, having an accent is easily the best conversation starter; it takes all the pressure of "making a move" off me, and through it I get the chance to meet lots of locals and ask where in Australia I should visit after I leave Brisbane in October.

Here's the list of places to visit, so far:
  • Whitsunday
  • Cairns
  • Noosa Heads
  • Byron Bay
  • Mackay 
  • Sydney
  • Melbourne
  • O'Reilly's Rainforest
  • Binna Burra Walk

Most people that I meet are through working at the restaurant; when I serve them and ask if they need anything they hear my accent...boom, conversation starter. There was a birthday at the Golden Ox the other night, and in the large group of people eating was a family of four: husband, wife, and two small children. I always seem to identify with kids, they like me. I think it's because I smile a lot. I enjoyed serving this family throughout the night. They were friendly, and didn't mind the fact that I was in training and taking a little bit longer to serve the table than what is expected from servers at The Golden Ox. Well a couple days later I was sitting in the shopping center cafe, where I go to use the free wifi every morning, and sure enough there was the same lady with her two kids! I decided to ask if they were indeed the same family who had eaten at The Golden Ox the other night (which I already knew). We started talking, she asked how long I've been here and how long I plan to stay...and I found out that her family has been backpacking around Australia for the past two years. She's the one who told me that if I like beaches (which I do) I should go to Whitsunday, Cairns, and Noosa Head. They are now at the top of my list!

O'Reilly's and Binna Burra were mentioned by a limousine driver whose exhibit was set up near The Golden Ox's at the wedding expo I worked. This guy told me those two places were some of the best rainforest walks to explore through while in Australia.

I haven't quite decided if when people ask where I'm from, I should just say Texas or say America. Right now it's about 50/50 on the responses I get. I've been saying I'm from America, and some people are like, "Oh, how lovely. Whereabouts in America?" But others are like, "Well I figured that. Where in America are you from?" Okay. How am I supposed to know you're an expert on all foreign accents, sir!? I prefer the former, more friendly, responses when I tell them I'm from America. 

And apparently I have the American accent, but I don't have the typical Texan accent. I've been asked countless time if I'm from the North...nope. I've also been asked if I'm from Canada, on more than one occasion. I'm not one to get offended by that question, but ask Taylor and Ethan if they're from Canada and it's a different story. Ha

Living in the states, and going to school outside of Texas, people automatically assume that if you're from Texas then you're probably all gung ho about it being the biggest and best state in the world. Well, I'm not "one of those Texans" who think Texas is God's gift to America, and anyone not living in Texas is a poor, unfortunate soul. BUT, I do own two Texas charms that belong on a few of my favorite necklaces, a Texas flag sports bra, and Texas flag shorts (in UCA colors). However, that's because Texas is home. And I will forever be thankful that I get to call it just that, home. So yes, in a sense, I am a proud Texan. I am proud of my Amarillo roots.

Let me go off on another quick tangent here about being from Amarillo. After people find out I'm from Texas, their next question is usually "Where in Texas?" And when I say I'm from Amarillo, they usually say one of the following:

a) Never heard of it.
b) Where's that? 
c) Ohh, there's a song about that place. 
d) I've been to [insert big Texas city here, think Dallas/Fort Worth/ Houston]. How close is that to Amarillo?

So yeah, you get the picture. People are missing out on good ol' Amarillo!

Today I met a man who, go figure, lives here in Brisbane. There's this book store going out of business across from the cafe and ALL the books are on, $2 and $5 books! I couldn't help but go in and browse. I love books. Anyways, I was walking through the store with my headphones in, but stopped to open up an interesting looking book and flip through it. An older man comes up, points to the book and says, "I'm sure glad to see kids your age still reading books." I turned around, smiled at him, and said, "I still prefer the actual paper books, rather than the online copies that people are getting into now." 

Then the man asked where I was from. Boom, new conversation. I told him America; he was one of those who said, "Well yeah, I gathered that, but where in America?" So I told him Texas. Turns out he had been to Texas in 1984. He used to be a ballet dancer. Say what!? I would've never guessed. But yeah, he was in some big production in Dallas/Fort Worth back in the day. How cool? He told me I need to visit Mackay. 

He also told me to never go back to America...

XO - Cristin 

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Adventure Is The Best Way To Learn

Every day I learn something new. It might be something new about myself, something new about Taylor and Ethan, or even something new about Australia and my time here. "They" were right when they said you never stop learning. You may finish school, but there's still something to learn each day. And if you don't feel like you are learning anything, you should make it a goal to learn something new each day, even if it's just a small thing.

Never in a million years did I picture myself in Australia, living with two boys, and having the time of my life. I am so thankful that I get to experience this great adventure with two good friends. There are still days that I can't believe that I'm actually here.

"An intelligent heart acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge."
- Proverbs 18:15

XO - Cristin 

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Beautiful Things Don't Ask For Attention

Let me just put this out there...Australia is beautiful. I love the flowers and greenery that I see here. And I can't wait to get out and see more of this country's beauty!

 "He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake." - Psalm 23: 2-3

 XO - Cristin

Gardner Falls and Glass House

Ahh, I got off work four hours early yesterday!! Just in time for the boys to wake up from a long night out "celebrating" my birthday, and for us to go on a little adventure. I finally got to see a new part of Australia.

First up was Gardner Falls. The boys found a tree swing and decided to plunge into the FREEZING water. I decided to take pictures, and wait to swing on a warmer day...haha.

This place is called the Glass about a breathtaking view. Now this is more of what I envisioned Australia being like! I could wake up to a view like this every day...easy.

I'm a diva, I know...

And this is my absolute favorite picture from my trip so far. It's been fun living with these two boys. We laugh more than we should, and this picture captures one of those funny moments. 

"Then our mouth was filled with laughter, and our tongue with shouts of joy; then hey said among the nations, "The Lord has done great things for them." - Psalm 126:2

XO - Cristin

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Go Shorty, It's Your Birthday!

But we're not gonna party like it's my birthday...because the boys are at work this morning, and as soon as they get home it'll be time for me to go into work. Such a bummer. I don't even get tomorrow OR Sunday off work either! I'll probably get Monday off, which my boss doesn't understand that weekdays off do me absolutely no good because the boys work during the week; so I'm still home alone, car-less, all day. Not quite how I like spending my off days. I'd rather be in the city, at the beach, or out exploring. Oh well, I'm in Australia!!!

Here's my I-just-turned-twenty-four-in-Australia-but-I'm-all-alone-walking-to-work-in-the-rain-with-my-new-thermos selfie...I look older, and wiser, right?

I'll be spending my evening waitressing, and organizing this mess of an office...and that's not even the half of it! My boss told me some of this stuff he hasn't looked at in five years, and I'm expected to know what to do with it!?

HaPPy BiRTHDaY To Me!!! Cheers to 24.

XO - Cristin 

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Nap Time

We (the boys especially) work hard, and play harder. And every now and then, the day calls for a good nap!

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls." 
- Matthew 11:28

XO - Cristin 

Monday, June 16, 2014

Day off? What Day Off!?

I had the day off yesterday from work! Except, well, the funny thing about being a personal assistant is that you never really have the day off. I had so many things to do for Nick, catching up on the past three days, that I was up at Target (using the wifi) from 8am to 4pm.

So much for that day off...

I was doing totally fine not having wifi at the house for the past three weeks. But now that I'm working, and I'm expected to do all this research, send emails, upload files, and design different things it kinda sucks. I get off work too late usually to ride my bike the mile 'n a half to Target to use wifi. And I'm not going to ask the boys to drive me up there every time I need to go...that would be annoying. I would just drive myself, but we haven't had anytime to teach/practice driving a standard. I know the basics, but I'm not going to risk stalling at a light, or rolling down a hill! Ha. 

I don't even know when my next day off will be. My schedule for the rest of this week is this:

  • Tuesday - 11am, and 6pm
  • Wednesday - morning off (as of now), and 6pm
  • Thursday - 2:30pm, and 5:30pm
  • Friday - morning off, and 6pm
  • Saturday - all day
  • Sunday - all 
Friday is my birthday and I am going to be working the entire weekend! And when I'm not working the morning of, the boys are at work, and it's not like I'm going to celebrate myself...cheers to twenty-four and being a big girl now :(

XO - Cristin