Friday, May 30, 2014

Work, Work, Work...All Day Long.

I'm still currently in the market for a job...I've been looking for almost a week now without any luck! The boys, however, go to work at 6am, play soccer three times a week, and still come home yesterday to do even more mowing the lawn!

They spoil me. Okay, not really. I've been cleaning the house, doing the laundry, and I had full intentions of surprising them by having lawn mowed when they got home from work! But when I woke up that morning to see that it had rained, I was a little disappointed. One, because I thought I was going to be stuck in the house ALL day, and two because I wasn't going to get to surprise them. I ended up taking a chance on it raining some more and I rode my bike to Redcliffe to get some errands done. Thank goodness it didn't rain anymore that day, and it ended up being a pretty nice day. Nice enough for me to still mow! Unfortunately the keys that I thought went to the shed with he mower in it was empty, and the only other shed in our yard was locked and the keys were nowhere to be found! So no surprise for the boys...

But I did get the an ice cold beer for all their hard work! Aren't I just the best!?

After the boys finished mowing, they cooked dinner. Steak, potatoes, and green beans! See, they do actually spoil me. I would totally cook for them, but they don't like eating charcoal...I am not a good cook, at all. They also eat, A LOT! 

For example, they go through FOUR LITERS of ice cream a week...fatties.

After dinner we decided to go bowling again. I kicked their butts!

They were mad that I beat them so badly, so they went to play the arcade games instead.

This basketball game was one of them. They asked if I wanted a try, but I didn't want to embarrass them in that too...

I did think that I had a job lined up today. Turned out that they lady Jonesy spoke to wasn't needing anyone 'til July...I cannot wait an entire month before getting a job; I'm already going stir crazy being in the house, and it's only been a week!

It's game day, by the way. So wish the "Boys in Blue" good luck!

XO - Cristin

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