Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Meet Me in Brisbane. In 16 Hours...

Annndd here's my plane. Holy smokes, that's HUGE! Double decker, what?! Please let me get a good seat, in my own row, so I can stretch out (and zone out) for the next sixteen hours by myself. Unless of course, I'm next to a handsome Aussie who can tell me all about the land down under...I'd settle for that. I'm about to not be in America. Crazy!

My flight leaves tonight, Wednesday, May 21st at 9:55pm, and it's a straight shot to Brisbane where I'll arrive at 5:00am on Friday, May 23.

  • I basically lose a day, that's weird to think about. I'll never get that day back...what if May 22 would've been my birthday?! It's not, but what if? 
  • When I get nervous I have to pee, I've gone to the bathroom three times in the last ten minutes...this better not keep up once I board the plane! How many people would I irritate going back and forth to the bathroom nonstop?! 
  • I'm seeing all of these really cool adventurers waiting to board the plane, looking like their gonna be backpacking around Australia...and I realize that I packed not one, but TWO fifty pound bags full of stuff...even after being advised by my older, wiser, world-traveling sister on what to pack, and what not to, yet I still had that much stuff...oops! I need to join over-packers anonymous; you think that exists? 
  • And on that same note, at what age am you considered too old to use your college athletics backpack to travel with? Am I at the age where I should be upgrading to those super cute, trendy "weekend bags" for a carry on? I've seen some really cute ones on Pinterest...
  • There's also a woman in line stretching...should I be stretching in preparation for this flight!?
These are questions that a seven hour layover make me think about.

I also won't really be using my phone much while there, unless I'm on wifi. That's gonna be a different change of pace, no texting for me (I ain't tryna run my phone bill up).  This little "hiatus" will be good for me. I've been wanting to become less dependent on other people and social media. Now's a good time to start. So this should be fun, let's see if I last :)

I'm boarding. 16 hours 'til I get to Brisbane!

XO - Cristin

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