Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Check Out My New Ride...

So we have a car, it's a white Hyundai Sirion...super cool. They found it for $1000 bucks! Fancy, right?!

Unfortunately we don't all work at the same place. In fact, I'm still looking for work...but regardless, it won't be in the factory with them. So meet my ride: Black Beauty.

My mom would be happy to know, that here in Australia, you have to wear a helmet when riding; because if you don't they will pull you over and give you a ticket! 

By the way, I'm all about that selfie life now that I'm living with two boys who are always gone. How else am I supposed to document my being in Australia? For all you know, I could be pulling all these pictures straight off the internet and posting them as my own... 

Those things on top of my helmet are for magpies. Which are apparently these crazy birds that want to attack the highest thing from the ground...which would be my face if I didn't have those! I haven't encountered these magpies yet, but I'm not taking any chances.

Basically all day today I went around town looking for a job. No luck yet, but I'm not giving up! There was this really cool coffee shop, called "The Coffee Club," with really nice locals working who seemed interested in my working. They said they would call in a week for a "trial run"...so we will see what happens! Most of the places I looked today were in the bay area, which was really nice, and right on the water. 

They have these little fitness areas where you can workout right near the beach. Pretty cool if you ask me.

 This was the best, and brightest, house I saw while exploring the area:

There was some pretty neat art around there too...

And then there were these weird, annoying, creepy looking birds all over the beach bugging people for food.

But these birds made up for those annoying ones!

Bike riding is all fun and games until you realize you have to go UP that big ol' hill you just flew down!

That's all for today's adventure. More job searching tomorrow, but for now I'm headed to watch the boys play. It's a big game tonight...Peninsula Power vs. Olympic FC. Let's go "Boys in Blue!"

XO - Cristin


  1. I am just picturing you riding down the street and a huge bird landing on your head...and I love it. Haha!!

  2. Hi Cristin! Scout and Morgan both made the volleyball team and they wanted you to know. Thanks so much for working with them...it made all the difference. Have a great adventure!

    1. Ahh, that is so exciting! And makes me so happy for them. They were fun to work with; good little players, and will only get better :) Tell then I said congrats, and to keep working on everything I taught them ;)
