Thursday, May 29, 2014

Driving is "Standard" Here...

Had my first driving lesson last night. And let me tell you, I'm a pro! If by "pro" I mean needing someone to get the car in first gear from the parked position and then do all the shifting...I've got the brake and clutch down though :) 

No really, I think I would be good at driving a standard if I could get the car going from the parked/stopped position. But whatever you do, don't put me on a hill; big or small, we definitely won't be going anywhere! And do I really have to shift with my left hand?! I mean, I don't know if y'all know this, but my left hand is retarded. It's useless really. I feel like I need to start training it for this shifting business...maybe I'll start eating left handed, and brushing my teeth with my left hand. That'll help me, right? 

And let's talk about this driving on the left side of the road. I am CONSTANTLY in a state of paranoia that I am going to turn the wrong way, or run somebody over! 

Riding my bike and worrying about my own safety is hard enough...

I think my driving wore the boys out... It was either that, or their long day of work and practice?

For real though, it is on my bucket list (of life) to learn to drive a standard. How cool would it be if I learned (which I will, eventually) to drive one in Australia, where I have to do everything opposite?! All I can say is, watch out for me on the roads when I get back, America! I'll be all sorts of confused...

Let's hope the next lesson goes better...

XO - Cristin

1 comment:

  1. I was flipped many a bird when I would get stuck at stop lights when I first learned how to drive a standard. It was awesome. And hilarious. And terrifying. Haha!
