Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Maroons 8, Blues 12...Dangit.

I watched rugby for the first time ever last night. QLD vs NSW. Queensland vs New South Wales. Maroons vs Blues. Jonesy and his wife had us over for dinner, FIFA, and haircuts before the game :)

Apparently silk boxers and a Maroons jersey was proper attire for the evening!

FIFA. The boys were losing...

Ethan Miller. Jack of all trades.

So back to the game. I was partial to the Maroons in the first place, since we're living in Queensland, but after seeing both teams' rosters, I was definitely rooting for Queensland. I don't think it's a common occurrence for rugby players to be good looking, but man, Queensland has beaten the odds! 

I meeannn, just look at the featured Maroons guy compared to the Blues....

Zoom in if you can. Trust me, you'll want to take a good look.

Okay, there was ONE good-looking Blues player.

Alright, enough about the players. Let's talk about the game of rugby. Holy cow, Like I don't even understand how there aren't more broken bones, more concussions, and more blood in these games. I was constantly covering my eyes and cringing every two seconds because I hurt for those boys. How do you even train to take hits like that?! Without any pads or protection?! 

Does that look fun!? No.

I just don't get it. It's nothing like American football...not that I get that either. But tackles don't really matter, you basically get six downs, you're not down when your knee hits (you can roll into the end zone for all they care), you keep resisting and fighting once you have been tackled to the ground, there are no timeouts, and you kick a field goal from the sideline rather than the center of the field. A touchdown is called a "try." C'mon, that doesn't even make sense; they didn't TRY to score...they DID score! And what are these huddle things? It's confusing. And intense. 

I did get into the game though; it was fun to watch, and to hear people who actually know the game talk about it (and yell at the team like they know each person individually). There was one guy on the Blues team, who I swear was wearing a sports bra! It looked something like this:

That is obviously not a picture of the guy from the Blues team, because he's not the ONE guy I showed you earlier who was attractive from that team...and there was only one. This guy's alright, even if he does wear a bra...

In the US, we might say "he plays ball like a girl." But here in Australia they say, "he's got pink undies on!" I think I'm going to bring back a few of these phrases to the US! 

XO - Cristin 

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