Sunday, May 25, 2014

Quotes I Hear Living With Boys...

This will be an ongoing post, so be sure and check back every now and then...

Living with boys is definitely different than living with girls. They have much less of a filter, and are just hilarious.

  • "You eat like a pigeon. I'm just assuming pigeons don't eat much. That's a saying, isn't it?"
  • "Look at that cloud. I'd live in that cloud!"
  • That's the fittest pug I've ever seen! They're usually pretty fat, right?"
  • "I'm one happy man right now...wrapped up in a blanket, hangin' with my best buds, and drinking tea."
  • "Look at how veiny my feet are. That's gotta be why I'm so fast!"
  • "You need to walk in front of me. I'm farting like crazy right now."
  • "Oh it would be torture teaching her to drive on those hills!" Thanks, guys...
  • "She only talks when she's all girls."
  • "Is it like an oxymoron to wear a tank top with sweatpants?"
  • After making pancakes for the first time today, and realizing that their syrup is nothing like ours in the states...
"Dude, what is wrong with Australia? How do you not know how to do syrup!?"
  • "It's not about wanting it, it's about needing it."
  • Watching Ellen, who happen to have chippendale dancers on the show... "It's so frick'n weird that there are male dancers like that." Uhhh, there are female dancers like that too...wouldn't that be just as weird? Yes.
  • "Who is that?! She's a looker."
  •  "I was a little taken aback when I first saw you at the airport with that mustache, Ethan. But it's grown on me now."
"It's grown on me too, literally."
  • "Are you going to get mad if we occasionally leave the toilet seat up?"
  • Ethan and I had both just bowled three strikes in a row (mine on a slight technicality). I gutter balled my first shot and then hit the strike, technically giving me a spare. But really, it's still a strike in my eyes... Taylor leaves to go get a drink and use the restroom; upon arriving back for his turn he told us that he was "just trying to ice us," meaning he wanted to slow the game down to mess us up. 
So Ethan says, "You can't ice fire, Tay!" Then, after Ethan and I both bowl our next frame without getting a strike, "Dangit. It worked."
  • "I'll just call him. Solution solved. Wait, does that even make sense?"
"No, it's problem solved, Tay..." 
  •  "I'm so glad, sorry Cristin, that we are circumcised." 
  • "You know how many pancakes I ate this morning!?"
"No, that's outrageous. Six!" 
  • I can't tell you how often I hear the words, "Oh for cryin' tears!" 
  • Anytime lyrics are accidentally said within a conversation, one of the boys breaks out in song...
  • "Two minutes in girl time is like ETERNITY in man time!"
  • "Blame it on the woman." Or, "blame it on Cristin."

More to come!

XO - Cristin

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