Sunday, May 25, 2014

Let's Go to the Beach, Beach...Let's Go Catch a Wave.

So about 10:30am we finally get off the couch to head to Mooloolaba Beach, which was about an hour 'n a half drive. Before we got on the road though, Ethan decided to take us to one of his favorite cafe's called "Schibello Caffe." The boys decided to get breakfast sandwiches (Taylor's with a side of cheesecake), and I opted for just an iced coffee. Man was it all good!

While I was waiting for the boys to finish eating, I picked up the nearest gossip magazine and started flipping through it. I was most intrigued by the celebrity weight transformations...celebrities like: Jessica Simpson, Beyonce, and Hilary Duff. The boys ate, I finished my magazine, and we headed out the door and off to the beach! The car ride was a lot of fun: random topics of conversation, loud music, sightseeing, and lots of picture taking (for me). That mountain in the next picture is called something like Gorilla Mountain...apparently it has a breathtaking view from the top!

It wasn't until we were about halfway through the drive that I decided to check my backpack to make sure I had everything ready for the beach (I'm OCD in that way...always triple checking). Well, I had everything! Except my wallet... Three days into my trip and I had already misplaced my wallet. That wouldn't be such a big deal except for the fact that it had my driver's license, $200 cash, my insurance card, and my debit card in it. Not wanting to alarm the boys, I casually said, "Uhhh, Ethan? We might need to call Ally." They were surprisingly more calm about it than I was, I was freaking out in my head. They both asked where I thought I left it, which I knew it was at the cafe, because fortunately we hadn't stopped anywhere since we left there, and I knew I had paid for my food there...(how awful would it have been if I had lost it at one of the TEN bars we went to last night!?) So Ethan got on the phone and after about an hour of back-and-forth texting, calling, and internet surfing between us, the cafe, and Reesby (one of their other teammates) we had located my wallet and Reesby had gone to pick it up for me! The only downside to this was that I couldn't get my wallet for two days because that would be the next time I saw Reesby at their game, and I wasn't about to make him drive twenty-five minutes out of HIS way for MY stupid mistake!

So we finally get to the beach. And this is exactly what I pictured it being like in Australia! If I could live on a beach every day of my life, I would do it in a heartbeat.

I pretty much played the role of "paparazzi" taking pictures of the boys ''til they couldn't stand it anymore :) 

Apparently there's no ozone layer in Australia, so more UV radiation hits the earth. That's my kind of thing! I love those rays. Have you ever seen the movie "The Odd Life of Timothy Green?" There's a part in that movie when the sun comes out and he raises his arms, turns toward the sun, just to soak it all up. That's how I feel when I see the sun out. Taylor on the other hand, was under his towel hiding from those sun rays after about an hour! 

We swam, laid out, read, and played at the beach from about 1:30pm to 5pm. I could've stayed longer, but the boys were hungry...go figure. 

Taylor practiced some of his martial arts moves...

And Ethan just wanted to take selfies all day... (kidding, that's his GoPro, haha)

Overall it was a successful day at Mooloolaba Beach. I'm already ready for more!

XO - Cristin 


  1. That ocean looks amazing. The boys look okay I guess.

    1. The ocean WAS amazing! And that's only like 1 of 5 they're going to be taking me to :)

  2. The beach looks amazing! Just the perfect amount of crowd. And, I can't believe you lost your wallet for a bit! At least it didn't have your passport with it. That would have given me a heart attack!

    1. Yes, it would've made me absolutely sick if I had lost my passport too! Luckily, my good ol' Girl Scout "always prepared" thinking had come into play right when I got here and I decided to put my passport, extra cash, and my other credit card in a separate place!
