Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Annnddd I'm Off!

Oh.My.Gosh. Today’s the day. I can’t believe that I am on a plane headed to Australia!!! Well, Dallas/Fort Worth first, then a seven-hour layover, AND THEN to Brisbane. It’s all the same thoughreally, just makes for a long couple of days.

I’m surprisingly anxious about this whole trip; the past couple days I’ve had that weird excited/nervous/happy/sad feeling…you know the one, right? Or maybe it’s just me. It’s not like I’ve never been gone from home before; I mean, I did live in Conway for six years…so really, it’s gonna be just like I’m back at school: at UCA for the semester and then back for summer break. Except for the fact that I’m not…I’m 8,000 MILES AWAY from home, and there’s an ocean between us, instead of just 600 miles away and a straight shot from I-40.

My parents, sister (Caitlin), and two dogs (Daphne and Stoney) dropped me off at the airport this afternoon. You would’ve thought I was never coming back. After checking my luggage (which was almost sent to Sydney instead of Brisbane) Mom took multiple pictures to document my monumental trip, goodbyes were said (and then they were said again…and again), constant waves of goodbye were given, and then to top it off, just as I was taking my shoes off to go through security, my dad facetimed me…ha! I taught him that yesterday. He thinks he’s pretty funny.

It’s only four months that I’ll be gone, or is it? Lots of people are telling me I’ll never come back, and then there are the few who say I may just absolutely hate it. I’m hoping more for the former… My visa allows me to stay and work up to a year before having to come back and renew it J so we will see what happens. I really am excited to be headed out of the country though, no matter how long it is!

0 days ‘til I leave for Brisbane. 25 hours ‘til I actually get there!

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." - Philippians 4:6

XO - Cristin

1 comment:

  1. I'm so excited for you and this trip!! Can't wait to keep up with all the exciting updates on this blog...
    Love you!
