Friday, May 12, 2017

Diary of a Mad Marathon Runner in Training (Vol. 3)

Diary of a Mad Marathon Runner in Training (Vol. 3)

March 27, 2017

The following are the train of thoughts that went through my head during each mile of this long run...I hope you enjoy!

Mile 1 (1.6km) - "You suuure you don't just want to go back to bed? And why is it cold? I hate running with a shirt on, that'll be a WHOLE 100 GRAMS to lug around when I take it off!!"

Mile 2 (3.2km) - "My legs are 'ugh,' but this is normal...make it to mile three, that's when you start feeling strong."

Mile 3 to 5 (4.8km to 8km) - Shirt's going off...too hot!" I'm really focused on my audiobook "Go Pro" by Eric Worre, but also irritated that I don't have a pen and paper to write down all the good points I'm hearing.

Mile 6 (9.7km) - "Why are my pants wet? Is that pee!? Oh, it's just my water bottle leaking! Shwew."

Mile 7 (11.3km) - "I feel like I made it this far a whole lot quicker than the last time I ran this far on this route...I'm killing it!"

Mile 8 (12.9km) - "That looks like a fun little tree swing I just passed. Should I try it? Mmm no, better not...looks a bit flimsy for my age (weight)."

Mile 9 (14.5km) - "I should run this far more often, this part of the Fernleigh Track is beautiful, and shaded!"

Mile 10 ( - "HALFWAY!! Ok, I need to walk, just like half a mile...I'll do some work while I rest. #herbalife #workfromanywhere
"Ok, this walking feels nice. I'll walk the whole mile, and stop at the next restroom."

Mile 11 (17.7km) - "It's much more difficult to start running again after you've's to heading back."

Mile 12 (19.3km) - "I really like the way my shadow looks when I and strong!"

Mile 13 (20.9km) - I cried. Not like sobs, but little tears to myself. The outside of my right knee started hurting and I couldn't run for more than a minute without stopping to walk. I was so frustrated that literally 10 minutes ago I was feeling great! Plus I realized that there were still 7 MILES to go 'til I'd be back at my car...and that's a long ass walk!

Mile 14 (22.5km) - "The wind would start to pick up (against me) on my run back! But on the bright side, my knee is no longer killing me!"

Mile 15 (24.1km) - "My audio book just ended...I FINISHED A WHOLE BOOK ON THIS RUN!" *presses shuffle on my iPod, and the song 'Nowhere Fast' comes on* "How did it know how I felt?! I am going nowhere fast...dammit."

Mile 16 (25.7km) - "I legit think I could guzzle down a gallon of water right now! Only 4 more miles..."

Mile 17 (27.4km) - I'm walking right now, but I'm currently thinking, "I am so grateful for a strong healthy body that can run and move like it does."

Mile 18 (29km) - An old man stopped on his bike to tell me I'm doing a good job. For all he knew, I could've just been starting - but it was an awful nice gesture. "Let's gets these last 3 miles done! Come on!"

Mile 19 (30.6km) - "I think my toenail just fell off...shit, I hear that happens sometimes in training."

Mile 20 (32.2km) - "DOOOOONNNNEEE!!! And it only took me where's my Rebuild shake!?"

And, in case you were worried, my toenail did not fall off 

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