Friday, May 12, 2017

Diary of a Mad Marathon Runner in Training (Vol. 8)

Diary of a Mad Marathon Runner in Training (Vol. 8) 

May 8, 2017

Mile 1 (1.6km) - "I'm cold. I'm cold. I'm cold." *looks down at watch, 56*

Mile 2 (3.2km) - "This is perfect running weather. So breezy!" *looks down at watch, still 56*

Mile 3 (4.8km) - "A mom pushing a pram just passed me...shit, c'mon Cristin, run faster."

Mile 4 (6.4km) - "I need to tell more people about this intermittent fasting/time restrictive eating thing - SO MANY BENEFITS!"

Mile 5 (8km) - "Just put two and two together as to why my arms are so tired on this run. A pre-run 1hr only-upper-body workout would be least it wasn't legs!"

Mile 6 (9.7km) - "Hip's hurting just a little bit, but only like a 2 on a scale of much better than what it's been the past couple weeks, and I'm running faster."

Mile 7 (11.3km) - "Halfway...time for GU. Trying the watermelon gummy chewables today." *puts one in mouth* "OMG these are the best ever!! How am I supposed to stop at 3 when there's 10 in the packet?!"

Mile 8 (12.9km) - "What else do I need to do before I leave for China? ONLY 8 DAYS 'TIL CHINA!!!"

Mile 9 (14.5km) - "Smells like manure, ugh. I don't thinks it's the 'smell of money' here on the Fernleigh Track..."

Mile 10 (16km) - "Sun so bright. I'm gonna get crow's feet from all this squinting. But man, I need a tan..."

Mile 11 (17.7km) - *black cat crosses my path* "I am not superstitious. I will not be superstitious."

Mile 12 (19.3km) - *turns off podcast and turns on music* "Pretty sure my pace just increased by like 2min" 

Mile 13 (20.9km) - *looks down at watch - 2:05:01* "Boom! Fastest half marathon time to date! By 10 minutes, too! Let's go have a Rebuild shake now."

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