Sunday, March 2, 2014

So I'm Moving to Brisbane, Australia...WHAT?!?

Holy moly, I did it. I booked my flight to Brisbane! Three days ago actually. I think I am still in, what am I doing!? I've NEVER done anything this spontaneous and adventurous before. But hell, why not? Why not go to a foreign country? I'm 23, single, and I've been saving money since my sophomore year in college to do something fun, something exciting, and I've always wanted to travel. Now's my chance. I graduate in May (again) and I'm not ready to get a real job. Because we all know that if I do get a job right away, I may not get a chance like this.

Don't worry, I won't be going all the way across the world by myself. Heck no! One of my biggest fears is being taken (yes, just like in the Liam Neeson movie). But seriously. Fortunately my two friends from college, Ethan and Taylor, will be there too. They are playing for Peninsula Power, an Australian soccer club and we are planning on finding a place and living together for the four months we'll all be down there together. They're already there playing and getting acquainted with the city, but since I don't finish up with school until May I won't leave until then...May 21st to be exact...and I can't wait!

Soooo yeah, I have three months until I leave, which is probably a good thing because the amount of questions running through my head right now are ridiculous...I know NOTHING about traveling to a foreign country:

  • Eighteen hour flight, and sixteen hours ahead of us!? What's the best way to get over being jet lagged?
  • Who knew there were so many different kinds of visas! Which one do I get? 
  • What's the city of Brisbane itself like? What's the night life like? Probably nothing like Conway...(Bear's Den)...
  • What are the people like? Are they going to think I'm some weird Southern girl? 
  • Do I need to learn some new lingo, mate?
  • Since I'll be living there for four months, clearly I'm going to need to get a job. Do I wait 'til I get there, or start looking now? Waitress? Nanny? Salesperson at a boutique?
  • Australian money? I've never used anything but US dollars...Lord, help me.
  • Obviously Bank of America isn't in Australia. Which bank do I start an account at?
  • Is my driver's license good in Australia? Do they even drive on the same side of the road as us?
  • Our summer is their winter. What do I need to pack?
  • I hope we're close to the beach. Are you sure I can't just be a beach bum?
Basically I'm in over my head. But what what a perfect time in my life to give it all to the Lord and completely trust in Him. "When I am afraid, I will trust in you." - Psalm 56:3

Clearly, or not so clearly, I have never blogged before. This is my attempt to keep all of my family and friends "in the know" while I'm in the land down under, which as you know is still three months away, so you may not see another post until closer to "go time." From what I understand, I won't be able to use my phone unless I'm text messaging through iMessage, or able to use Facebook/Twitter/Instagram while on wifi (which I have no idea if we will have wifi at the place we're living). I will TRY to blog frequently and post lots of pictures! I have a feeling more pictures than words will be on this thing... 

By the way, Brisbane is 10ish hours north (driving) from Sydney, along the east coast. I didn't even know that before I booked my flight! And in case you didn't know that either, now you know. Haha

I love you all, please send up a prayer for me as I am finishing up my internship at UCA, graduating, and then heading off to do who knows what in Australia!!!

Oh, and feel free to do some research and answer all those questions for me! Haha. But really.

87 days 'til I leave!

XO - Cristin

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