Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Is "Packing Light" Even Possible for a Woman?

So I 've had the sudden urge to start packing...three months early...that's normal right?! Bes' believe I have a "To Do" list and a "To Pack" list in a Word document on my computer right now. How am I possibly going to get all my things in just TWO suitcases weighing under fifty pounds?! I guess I'll have to choose carefully when it comes to my shoes.

My dad has been trying to convince me that it will be monsoon season when I get down there. The way I've always pictured Australia is with beaches and warm weather, and kangaroos. My dad knows how much I hate rain. Fortunately for me, the wet season in Brisbane is October through May and I will be there MAY THROUGH OCTOBER (which is the dry season). Boom. There you have it, Dad. I'm still going to pack my rain boots and a rain jacket, just in case. You can never be too prepared.

"You can never be too prepared." That quote there is the reason I am an over-packer. I love shopping, don't get me wrong, but I don't want to be spending all my money buying new clothes when I could've just packed them in the first place! I'd rather buy new clothes (and shoes) that I don't have already :)

Here's my packing list so far:
(keep in mind I've only been thinking about this for five days)

  • Bible
  • Journal
  • Laptop, iPod, Camera
  • Chargers (phone, computer, ipod, camera)
  • Straightener, Wand, Blow Dryer
  • Rain Jacket, Rain Boots (just in case)
  • Running Shoes
  • Jump Rope (yes, I'm taking a jump rope for quick easy workouts)
  • Makeup (gah, imagine forgetting to pack that! Which is a real possibility for me...)
  • Deodorant (I hear the deodorant down there sucks...not sure how that is?)
  • Swimsuits (because you know I'ma be on the beach as much as possible)
  • Beach Towel, Shower Towel
  • Bed Sheets (I never woulda thought of this if it weren't for Taylor mentioning it)
  • And then there's my clothes and shoes. How am I even going to pick!? I love them all, and there's so many different things I could wear and might need for different things...like a job for instance, what if I have to dress up every day? Or what if I work in a restaurant and have to wear all black, or all white, every day? The possibilities are endless and I'm already starting to worry and stress out! 

"Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life? Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest?" - Luke 12: 25-26

If you have any suggestions on what I should pack, lemme know!! Helpful comments are always welcome. Also, I'm gonna need a few good books to read while I'm there. Ideas???

85 days 'til I leave.

XO - Cristin 

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