Monday, October 6, 2014

Good Riddance

So I was, in fact, fired from my job at the Golden Ox all those weeks ago. To be honest, I'm not sure if you could call it being fired, or if I really just quit. I like to think it was mutual...yeah, that's how I see it. After the initial argument I had called my boss the following Monday (two days later) to ask if I had any hours for the week. He told me it was a "very quiet week" and all he would be doing was working on the refurbishments with the architect (which I was a BIG part of the previous couple of weeks, having to print out EVERYTHING for him, and get him coffee on top of coffee, which he didn't drink)…no work for me that week. The following Sunday I called my boss again to ask if I had any hours and this time he told me the same thing, "it's looking like a quiet week," but he also added in "if you can find other work I think you should." I took that as I was fired, and decided never to call back again. Ha...good riddance. 

Now I had four weeks left 'til we flew to New Zealand for a week. And as much as I probably needed a job to earn a little extra cash, it had taken me three weeks to find my first job, so I decided to not waste my time. Thank God my mom taught me the importance of living on a budget while I was growing up. It was by no means easy living on a strict (and I mean SUPER STRICT) budget, but it paid off and I met my goal of leaving for New Zealand with $2000. I literally only pitched in for my share of the groceries each week (around $50), and bought credit for my phone ($30/month) when I needed it. There was no other spending! Had I not lost my job I would have easily made an extra $2500 before we left, and that would have come in handy once I moved to Newcastle after our trip, too.

Not working is boring. You would think that not having to go into work every day for a month would be great, but it’s not. It gets old…like, really old (especially when you don’t have a car, and your bike has a serious flat, so your walking radius is only about six miles…on a good day). Yes, I spent lots of time at the beach, when it was warm; but it still wasn’t full on summer yet, it was barely spring, so on the colder, and even rainy days, I was stuck inside. By myself. Until the boys got home around 4pm, and by that time they were ready to eat and go to bed.

The weeks went by slow, up until that very last week before we left for New Zealand. Then it just flew by.

"Labor not to be rich: cease from thine own wisdom." - Proverbs 23: 4-5

XO – Cristin

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