Thursday, April 2, 2015

Sometimes Plans Change

Sometimes plans change. Sometimes your heart grows for the people you live with, the people you work with, and the community that surrounds you.

Six months ago I was going on and on about how excited I was about my “five year plan.” This plan consisted of me going back home for the next year and getting my Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) certificate, then traveling around the world as I taught. I was going to start teaching in South Korea the first year, then teach in Thailand, Taiwan, Vietnam, and Cambodia over the second year, then Dubai, and Saudi Arabia in year three, and finally all over South America (Argentina, Chile, Brazil, Peru, and Costa Rica) the final two years.

But then, a couple of weeks ago I was thrown a huge curveball.  The company I work for, SNAP, offered to sponsor my second visa. Second visas are pretty hard to come by here in Australia, and this was by no means expected. I mean, I had literally just sent all of my clothes back home to America with my family after they came to visit me. So I didn’t say yes right away, because there was A LOT to think about…

My current visa expires May 23rd (that’s in seven weeks), so a decision had to be made fairly quickly. I’ve had anxiety attacks, and I’ve cried a lot over the past two weeks. I haven’t gotten much sleep either. There’s literally so much going on inside of my head. Do I want to put my five-year plan on hold? Can I continue to be eight thousand miles away from my family for the next three years? When am I going to get to go home, and for how long? Where am I going to live in Australia? Should I sell my (very used, semi-unreliable) car and get a better one? What about rego and car insurance, which is about to expire? And health insurance? These are the times when you need your mom and dad to just give you a hug, say they love you, and tell you no matter what everything’s going to be alright.

I’ve barely gotten any sleep. I’ve done a lot of thinking, and praying. I’ve made lists out the wazoo. But I’ve finally decided that this is an offer I can’t refuse. I’ll still be able to travel because I will continue to work in a casual, rather than full-time, position (meaning I can take off whenever, and for however long I want, and still have a job to come back to). So it’s with a little sadness and a lot of excitement that I’m taking my bosses up on their offer…I’m staying in Australia for the next three years!!

“For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, do not fear; I will help you.” – Isaiah 41:13

XO - Cristin

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